What befall humanity that it keeps silent?
Gaza strip is turned into a concentration camp
Israelis are committing another Holocaust
A massacre and genocide is going on
Gruesome murder is being committed by Zionists
And world leaders are afraid to take action
In Gaza, human life is made so cheap by Zionism
The mighty American and European Empires
Are under the siege of global Zionism
Arab world leaders, gutlessly keep silence
More afraid to lose their political power than their brothers
The Israelis shamelessly justify their atrocities
They cowardly defend the killing of children
The murder of women and unarmed civilians
As if their lives are worth more than other lives
They are exposing their cruelty and inhumanity
Telling the world that saves them from Auschwitz to go hell
The world must stand against global Zionism
It is a monster that humanity must confront
But after all the hypocrisy life will go on in Gaza
The will of the people is tested but also strengthened
The Zionists are afraid of what tomorrow holds
They want to change the future with violence
But the future belongs to those who resist occupation
For Zionists are destined to fail for they are unjust
They will eventually leave Gaza, empty handed
January 8, 2009
Gaza strip is turned into a concentration camp
Israelis are committing another Holocaust
A massacre and genocide is going on
Gruesome murder is being committed by Zionists
And world leaders are afraid to take action
In Gaza, human life is made so cheap by Zionism
The mighty American and European Empires
Are under the siege of global Zionism
Arab world leaders, gutlessly keep silence
More afraid to lose their political power than their brothers
The Israelis shamelessly justify their atrocities
They cowardly defend the killing of children
The murder of women and unarmed civilians
As if their lives are worth more than other lives
They are exposing their cruelty and inhumanity
Telling the world that saves them from Auschwitz to go hell
The world must stand against global Zionism
It is a monster that humanity must confront
But after all the hypocrisy life will go on in Gaza
The will of the people is tested but also strengthened
The Zionists are afraid of what tomorrow holds
They want to change the future with violence
But the future belongs to those who resist occupation
For Zionists are destined to fail for they are unjust
They will eventually leave Gaza, empty handed
January 8, 2009
Source: http://www.monde-magouilles.com/photos_guerre/gaza3.jpg
* Thanking Aljazeera International for keeping the free world informed
* Thanking Aljazeera International for keeping the free world informed
1 comment:
My name is Vincent and I'm a Nigerian. I am so kin know more about your work and how you relate to some certain situation like the GAZA conflict if I may use that word. what was your respond towards it and the political riot that happen in Jos Plaetue State in December, what was your feelings or how do you relate to such act in our contemporary time. I read your profile on your blog and you said you are in KANO State Nigeria.
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