Tuesday, November 26, 2013


This is a tale of two adversaries in this weird world
One has amassed nukes enough to annihilate the planet
The other trying to enrich uranium for peaceful means

This is a tale of two adversaries in this weird world
One has closed its doors to UN inspectors and goes scot-free
The other is under crippling sanctions despite allowing inspections

This is a tale of two adversaries in this weird world
One has not invaded any country for two centuries
The other has invaded many countries and still occupies some

The doublespeak and cowardice of so-called world powers
In addressing the problem of these adversaries
Amaze all intelligent and civilized homo-sapiens

But between the labeled axis of evil and the great Satan
The world will have to make decision for peace or war
For injustice in all disguises remains utterly injustice.

November 25, 2013