Saturday, May 17, 2014


Nigerian Government always has a way of getting away with
Its incompetence, negligence and thoughtlessness
But the climax of Nigeria’s Government insensitivity
To the sufferings, frustration and helplessness of its citizens
Was reached with a horrendous kidnapping saga
Of innocent girls pursuing their final examinations at Chibok! 

Now that the World have seen what the situation really is
No one is left in doubt about the sorry state of things in Nigeria
A nation of failed leadership and hopeless people
Even the self appointed International Community is angered
By the insensitivity shown on the abducted girls
Mr. President, luck is no longer on your side anymore 

Bring back our girls and clean your mess!

Monday, March 24, 2014


Wonders they say never end
Today I heard president Obama
Talking about International Law
He argues, Russia’s activities in Crimea
Are against international law

I marvel, where international law
Has gone when Obama’s America
Act against reason and international law
Displaying immorality of the highest order
And invaded Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya

Is there any international law left to respect?
When world powers and their friends break it at will
Today, international law is back
The great bully of this world is crying victim!
This world is full of wonders.

February 4, 2014