Saturday, September 27, 2008


For GWB & TB

It is not about Weapons of Mass Destruction
It is about an emperor
Inflicted by War Mongering Disorder
It is about show of strength
Arrogance of power
It is about greed and
Postmodern neocolonialism

It is about misleading the public
“We must disarm him to douse our thirst”
At the expense the lives of women and children
They are expendable and not human enough
After all the High Priests have approved of it

The Emperor’s greed and arrogance
Is exposing the vision of his nation
The desire of your people
Who, though proclaimed freedom & democracy
In reality it is a tyranny it means
They have betrayed their call

My dear Emperor
Watch carefully where you put your step
Look back at the map of history
Many examples abound
Where injustice and greed
Destroys the fabric of civilization

My dear Monarch
The world is tired of your madness
Better understand bluntly
No power lasts forever,
All empires are destined to is to crumble
It is from the ashes and debris of old kingdoms
New ones will emerge

You are leading your people to madness
Proving your cowardice and racism
The world watches with interest
We shall see how the drama will unfold
You will not write the next history
History will write about you in blood
It is also watching and writing.

February 15, 2003

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